Thanks to The Mississippi Gulf Coast and a Word to All Entrepreneurs!

A word to all Entrepreneurs! I want to say Thank You, to the Mississippi Gulf Cost. We have had such a great day.  My husband and I recently filmed a segment on Shop South Mississippi and had such a great time! The interview went great.  As a life coach it is difficult to get out there and market yourself.  I have attended webinars, completed certification classes, and have read and array of coaching books. However, I have not yet clearly found a marketing strategy. What I have learned is that there is no strategy. The best advice I can give any entrepreneur is to Jump and be the realest you that you can be! Just get out there and talk to people. Listen to people’s stories, start conversations, and put your service/product out there! I have received a lot of great feedback from our clients and friends. Thank you for the support and love! We at Myers Life Coaching are honored to have the opportunity to serve you!

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